Thursday, May 8, 2008

Montgomery County Fair 2007

This County Fair started off with great success - twice the number of toilet entries than last year. Many thanks to the people at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair Office for giving me a great display area and tent cover when the weather got crazy on us. This year we let the word spread among friends and family that the toilet contest was here to stay! Sadly, we were no longer the winning toilet (our robot placed 6th), but we were happy to see how amazingly creative people can really be! For this year's winners there were bigger ribbons and bigger cash prices given out. We now hope that 2008 will double from this year's total. Below are just some of the winning toilets with their outrageous themes:

Mario's Nightmare (1st Place)

Spiderman, Gone "Flushing"!

"Fire in the hole", "The Commode-a-dores"

"Flamigo Paradise"
(Just click on the pictures to make them bigger and see all the great details)

Montgomery County Fair 2006

The summer of 2006, my oldest son, then 7 begged and begged that we create a themed toilet for the County Fair. At the time, it seemed like a silly idea but his enthusiasm was contagious. He wanted a horse theme (he's a horse rider) and named it Hill's Horses. So our family set about - just 2 days before entries were due to create a toilet utopia called Hill's Horses. After my wife spent hours shopping at the craft store and even more hours sitting in our yard with power tools and hot glue gun, our prize winning toilet was created.

Much to our surprise, our toilet won 1st place (though it wasn't the Grand Champion - we lost to "Camp Stink-alot"). It was after this, that I decided maybe next year, I would sponsor the contest and encourage more friends and family to take part in this crazy out-of-the- ordinary event. For 2006, there were only 5 entries for the contest....but there are hopes for more in 2007.